Alpha Presence Next Steps

Now that you have completed Part 1 of your Journey to Alpha Presence, you may want to take it up a notch.

When I first developed this program, it had an intensive group coaching component as well as worksheets, plus the guided visualizations you have experienced. 

The results our students achieved from completing the entire program were mind blowing. It remains one of the most successful programs I have ever developed, but due to life happening I changed direction to focus on other interests and it was never offered again. I forgot about it as the years went by. 

Until now. 

I am considering a weekly group coaching session that will cover the complete Journey to Alpha Presence from start to finish. I would love to reproduce the previous results in a new group of students!

My question to you is - would you be interested in participating is such a program? If the answer is yes, please let me know by filling in the form below.  If there is enough interest, I will develop the program and let you know when it is ready.

Thank you.

Read the book

Powerful ways to re-frame your own beliefs and behaviors around courting money, wealth and success, all while being entertained! Featuring engaging, real-world exercises and money affirmations that work, this book will help you discover what is blocking your happiness and teach you how to embrace a new mindset that will grant you financial freedom and understanding.

Get it on your Kindle, in paperback, or hardcover from Amazon here

Listen to the book

  • Discover how you are fighting your own brain when it comes to money management.
  • Align your core values, identity, beliefs, and behaviors with your financial goals.
  • Deliver value to your world that expands your own financial freedom.
  • Reframe your own preconceptions around courting money, wealth, and success.

Get the audio copy read by Rich Friesen from audio book sellers here