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  • 2 Bulls in a China Shop Trade Runner Podcast – Episode 4!

January 18, 2023

2 Bulls in a China Shop Trade Runner Podcast – Episode 4!

In the fourth installment of our limited series, we’ll be discussing Nightmare Mind Traps! Join us as we complete an assessment to bring awareness of major mind traps that many traders fall prey to.

This episode creates an awareness of our brain’s unconscious biases, filters and trading traps. It starts with a real-time assessment that creates an awareness of the major mind traps that are common to many independent traders. With this assessment, you can visually see the graphic that demonstrates the gap between your rational understanding of trading success and your own trading reactions, biases, filter, and trading traps. We then proceed to the Mind Muscles model for behavioral, change (the “Golden Keys”) and learn how every trader can lay the foundation to trade like the master trader they desire to be. You will leave with an expanded awareness of the mind traps that produce repeated trading errors and are dragging down your profits.

Episode 4 has been posted! You can listen at the link below:

Homework Assignment for Episode 4:

  1. Complete the downloadable Trading Traps Assessment – download and open in your browser.
    (Lesson slideshow included here)
  2. Build awareness of our own biases, filters and tendencies
  3. Invite ourselves to step into new behaviors that better match the traders we desire to become
  4. Acknowledge and accept any resistance with curiosity

You can get more information about all the episodes in one place, here.

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Author, veteran broker and floor trader, Rich went from the "worst trainee trader ever", to building one of the most consistently profitable options trading firms on the Pacific Exchange by training his traders using neuroscience. Rich also holds a Masters Degree in Clinical Psychology, a B.A. in Philosophy, and is a graduate of the Gestalt Institute in San Francisco along with Master’s training in Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP).

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