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November 10, 2022

Zero-Sum Game – One-Pie Economy

What if there were a limited amount of food with no hope of getting more? How would a group of people stuck together in isolation handle that? This is the one pie economic model. But what if it was just movie in our heads? What if we all created unlimited value?

There is only so much money, and it isn’t  theirs. This was said of the wealthy from a well-known figure. This is also a rally cry for many. There is only so much to go around, they say, and it just isn’t fair that so few have so much and so many have so little. 

Wealth is the end product of creating value for others. Yes, there are people who use force, fraud, and unethical behavior to gain wealth. But in a free market with a rule of law, most wealth is the product of value creation. Yes, at any given point in time, there is only so much currency. However, there is no limitation on the value we can create. So, the number of currently available dollar bills isn’t what matters. It is the creative mindset that makes the difference.

What matters is how much value we are creating for each other. That value is almost infinite. As we leverage our intelligence, become more productive, and have the capacity to customize the value on an individual level, we will be able to deliver more value every year. Rather than worrying about the distribution of dollar bills, what if we focused on how we can all create more value for each other? How would the world be different? 

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Powerful ways to re-frame your own beliefs and behaviors around courting money, wealth and success, all while being entertained! Featuring engaging, real-world exercises and money affirmations that work, this book will help you discover what is blocking your happiness and teach you how to embrace a new mindset that will grant you financial freedom and understanding.

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  • Discover how you are fighting your own brain when it comes to money management.
  • Align your core values, identity, beliefs, and behaviors with your financial goals.
  • Deliver value to your world that expands your own financial freedom.
  • Reframe your own preconceptions around courting money, wealth, and success.

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